Monday, June 20, 2005

I was probably The One Jesus

I was probably the one who shook you as violently as the storm was to wake you, and pleaded for you to calm it.

I was probably the one who sank into the ocean when you called me to come to you.

I was probably the one who scolded the women for washing your feet with precious oil, and wasting it.

I was probably the one who had forsaken you for 30 pieces of silver.

I was probably the one who denied you three times.

I was probably the one who took you away to be tortured.

I was probably the one who spit on you.

I was probably the one who nailed you to the cross.

I was probably the one who stuck the spear in your side.

I was probably the one who wagered for your garments.

I was probably the one who doubted you rose from the dead.

Then again, I was probably the one who judged you.

© June 2005 Harry Fassett